Getting ready this am was a bit scattered...had mostly packed and some little bits to through into my carry on and away we go....NOT
Realised I had not picked up the Yoga Dogz calendars from Dan Borris - I really wanted to bring these to the conference - they are funny and respectful, and think we all need top lighten up sometimes with Yoga - check out Anika above! If she doesnt give you a smile, hmmmmmm...?
Anyway, went for a coffee, and then realised I left my Asian phone at home, ran home to get the phone, picked up Jack getting coffee and then went to get the calendars....all this being a bit tight on California commute traffic
All I can say is the Gods were with me as there was barely any traffic, even the traffic update radio was commenting! ;)
Made the flights and got all the (heavy) bags on and am now tapping from Tokyo with an on the road update
Spent most of the time trying to get on wireless and try to ge tthe phone to work, so not much to report yet...
Lots of Asians all wearing masks to protect from the FLu - waaaaay better than when I was in Sinapore during SARS - That was wild!!
Will tap more interesting news soon - gotta run and catch this next flight and head into the land of emerald Buddhas and beautiful landscapes....
l8r g8rs!