Tat Tvam Asi
तत् त्वम् असि or तत्त्वमसि
translates as "Thou art that" "That thou art" "You are that" or "That you are" is one of Mahāvākyas (Grand Pronouncements) in Vedantic Hinduism.
It is Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7 in the dialogue between Uddālaka and his son Śvetaketu.
The Self in its original, pure, primordial state is wholly or partially identifiable with Ultimate Reality, origin of all phenomena.
This is the experience of liberation - moksha मोक्ष, मुक्ति
Vedantic interpretations of Tat (That) Tvam (You) Asi (Are):
- Advaita - absolute equality of 'tat', the Ultimate Reality, Brahman, and 'tvam', the individual self, jiva जीव
- Shuddhadvaita - oneness in "essence" between 'tat' and individual self; but 'tat' is the whole and self is a part.
- Vishishtadvaita - identity of individual self as a part of the whole which is 'tat', Brahman.
- Dvaitadvaita - equal non-difference and difference between the individual self as a part of the whole which is 'tat'.
- Dvaita - “Sa atmaa-tat tvam asi” in Sanskrit is actually “Sa atma-atat tvam asi” or “Atman, thou art not that”.
- Acintya Bheda Abheda - inconceivable oneness and difference between individual self as a part of the whole which is 'tat'.